OATS host Open House at Bridgeton Facility

BY jstedem | Posted: Thursday, September 06, 2012 02:43 PM

OATS, Inc. host open house at Bridgeton facilities

OATS, Inc. will be hosting an Open House to celebrate the completion of their new facilities in Bridgeton on Tuesday, September 18 beginning at 10am. OATS regional office is located at 186 NW Industrial Court in Bridgeton. The Open House will include representatives of federal, state, and local agencies and legislative officials.

With funding from the Federal Transit Administration, administered by the Missouri Department of Transportation, and other local involvement, the construction and renovations were completed this past summer. Total cost for the project was $3.4 million.

The OATS East region office provides transportation to Franklin, Jefferson, St. Charles and St. Louis counties in Missouri, with their main office in Bridgeton and satellite offices in Union and Mapaville. The East Region operations include 180 drivers and administrative staff, 25 volunteers and 185 vehicles.    

“We are thrilled to be a part of the Bridgeton community and to provide service to the entire St. Louis area,” said Pam Knox, East Missouri Regional Director.  “The facility includes training facilities, a break room, bus wash and maintenance shop that is accessible to more of our drivers,” said Knox. 

OATS, Inc. is a private, not-for-profit corporation providing specialized transportation for senior citizens, people with disabilities and the rural general public in 87 Missouri counties. Governed by a 15-member Board of Directors, the organization has a staff of over 750 employees and a fleet of 800 vehicles statewide. The home office is located in Columbia, Missouri with seven regional offices located throughout the state. OATS has grown to be one of the largest and most unique systems of its kind in the country.

For more information about OATS, Inc., please visit their website at www.oatstransit.org.

OATS is funded, in part, by an allotment of federal funds from the Missouri Department of Transportation and through contracts with various agencies. OATS also receives rider donations and private contributions, which are tax deductible. OATS is an equal opportunity employer M/F/H/V.

Read more: http://interact.stltoday.com/pr/non-profits/PR090612024310248#ixzz25nOb2ibL