National Dump the Pump Day – June 21, 2012

On June 21, 2012, American Public Transportation Association (APTA), in partnership with The Sierra Club, The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and public transportation systems across the country will celebrate the 7th Annual National Dump the Pump Day. National Dump the Pump Day encourages people to ride public transportation (instead of driving) and save money.

Riding public transit is an economical way to save money, particularly when gas prices are high. The latest APTA Transit Savings Report shows that a two person household that downsizes to one car can save – on the average – about $10,000 a year.

Feel free to use the online toolkit below to help get the word out about this year’s 7th Annual National Dump the Pump Day. Resources include a fact sheet, suggested activities, sample documents such as a media advisory, fuel and carbon calculators, transit ads, print-ready button and sticker art, a discussion board, and Dump the Pump countdown code to embed on your website.

To access the toolkit, click here: Dump the Pump Online Toolkit


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