Accessible Pedestrian Signals Workshop

City of Kansas City, MO and KCITE invite you to the following NCHRP workshop:

Accessible Pedestrian Signals

Speakers: Daniel L. Carter and Janet M. Barlow
Date: Thursday, March 31 , 2011
Time: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm (Central Time)
Fee: Free
Location: KCMO Health Department Auditorium (basement level), 2400 Troost, Kansas City, MO 64108 (MAP)
Parking: Off-street parking is available in front of the building. Carpooling is encouraged!

Lunch will not be provided. Food is not allowed into the auditorium. There will be a 1 hour break in the program for participants to get lunch on their own.

The Accessible Pedestrian Signals workshop was developed under the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Project 3-62 (Guidelines for Accessible Pedestrian Signals). The goal of Project 3-62 was to develop guidance regarding recommended and optional characteristics of accessible pedestrian signals (APS) to optimize safe and independent crossing at signalized intersections by pedestrians who are blind. Participants may be eligible for 6 professional development hours (PDH). For more information, please refer to the KCITE website.

Please RSVP to Ray Webb at by Thursday, March 24, 2011 if you plan to attend.

Please visit the KCITE website for chapter updates! If you have any comments or questions about KCITE, please contact the KCITE Board at