Each year the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) holds a number of Triennial Review Workshops to provide FTA grantees with up-to-date information about federal requirements and industry "best practices."
The workshop is conducted by industry experts who share their knowledge of the Triennial Review Program, the latest federal regulatory changes, and the best practices in FTA Grants Management. You are also given a comprehensive workbook that will assist you in preparing for your next Triennial Review.
The Region VII Triennial Review Workshop is scheduled for:
February 23 – 24, 2010
Intercontinental Kansas City at the Plaza
401 Ward Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64112
Seating is limited so please make reservations as soon as possible by following the instructions on the first page of the accompanying workshop materials. (Download 2010Triennial_WorkshopRegistrationPkg_KC) Grantees scheduled for a Triennaial Review in 2010 are strongly encouraged to attend.