The Missouri Department of Transportation’s Transit Section assists in the planning, development and operation of the State’s public transit and specialized paratransit systems. This is carried out through the administration of state and federal programs relating to general public transportation and specific programs for the elderly and disabled. Small urban and rural general public transit systems receive financial and technical support from the department. Federal financial assistance is allocated to the various systems by the department.
Formula Capital and Operating Assistance
The FTA provides formula capital and operating assistance to transit systems in urban areas of more than 50,000 Population. The Multimodal Operations Division includes the Transit Section which administers this program for urban cities under 200,000 populations. These cities include Columbia, Joplin, Jefferson City and St. Joseph. Major urban centers, which include Kansas City, Springfield and St. Louis, apply for and receive formula capital and operating assistance directly through the Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
Missouri Elderly and Handicapped Transportation Assistance Program (MEHTAP)
MEHTAP provides state financial assistance for public and nonprofit organizations offering transportation services to the elderly and disabled at below-cost rates.
FTA Section 5310
The Transit Section purchases approximately 65 vehicles for about 35 grantees each year using funds allocated to the State through the FTA Elderly and Persons with Disabilities Capital Assistance Program (Section 5310). The program is open to all areas of the State (rural, urbanized and urban) for nonprofit organizations and qualifying public entities.
FTA Section 5311
FTA provides funding for capital, operating and planning expenditures to transit systems serving non-urban areas. MoDOT’s Transit Section receives the funds from FTA and administers the program for transit providers meeting the qualifying criteria for Section 5311.
FTA Rural Transportation Assistance Program
The Transit Section also administers this training and technical assistance program funded by the FTA. Training courses offered include defensive driving, CPR and first aid, passenger assistance techniques and emergency procedures. Technical assistance is offered in vehicle procurement and maintenance.